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[ANGRY] Argument Clinic [RUDE]

7 Name: VIPPER 2015-02-19 14:02

Piss off!

Piss off!

Piss off!

Piss off!

You know what, you're right.
Piss off anyway!

Piss off!

Piss o-- oh, right. Actually, I don't care if you're me! Piss off!

8 Name: VIPPER 2015-02-19 14:07

You call that an arguement? I'll give you an arhuehuehuehuement!


9 Name: VIPPER 2015-02-19 17:42

Well, I'll report you for announcing the fact that you reported someone! What say you to that, Don Julio?

10 Name: VIPPER 2015-02-20 03:06
        |/⌒/ / . : : : : : :/∧: :.〈 : :|'⌒ ー'⌒| : : :「ヽ: : : :|\ : : :l: : : :| l: : : .ヽ   丶: : : : : : : : : :/
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       `¨/.::| :|  , ─|    _\\    ,ノ/  ,': :/ //   | :// : : : : : l、: : : : : .  ',
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             ',人   |   ー'´ 〈 じノヽー'′ノ〈 ヽ<´∠__ `¨ \x87W'⌒ ∧: : :|   '; : : : : : │
        \_ノ\_|    ヽ── '´⌒    ー イ 〈じ 厂ヽ  厂`ヽ/  '; : l   ',: : : : : :.l
            ヽ: : :〈: : ;」   /      /  ,     丶  ー─'   ,′ 丿  l: :′  l: : : : :.,′
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    /////〃 : : : : '   │',           ^ '        / //|/⌒          |:/
  / ∨///〃/__ノ    │∧   、_   _,. 、       / /l |_           ′ >>7, the next thing you're going to say is, "Piss off!"!
  l  ∨/////厂〈     │ ∧    ⌒ヽニ=ー >ー'   /:/ l///> 、
  │  ∨////   ',     │: . ヘ     ヽ __ ,     /. :/  厂\///\
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   〉    ∨ \      \|  : : : : : .` ̄ ̄ ̄´. : : : : /  /           ∨// ∧
11 Name: VIPPER 2015-02-20 15:01

Your hair looks stupid!

12 Name: VIPPER 2015-02-21 20:31

No it doesn't!

13 Name: VIPPER 2015-02-21 21:03

Both of you, piss off!

14 Name: VIPPER 2015-02-22 03:09

Fight me IRL if you are so tough.

15 Name: VIPPER 2015-02-22 04:04

Shut up or piss off!

16 Name: VIPPER 2015-02-22 08:48

Double piss off!

17 Name: VIPPER 2015-02-24 20:52

You've pissed me off, you double nigger!

18 Name: VIPPER 2015-02-25 01:32

Okay, >>17, you know what? I think you should leave.

19 Name: VIPPER 2016-02-14 15:07
20 Name: VIPPER 2016-02-15 00:52
What did you call me you little shit?
You wanna go?
Meet me at Yoshinoya at 13:15.
Bring a will.
21 Name: VIPPER 2016-02-15 19:43
Where the fuck were you, you little bitch.

I sat there and ate two beef bowls and a coke waiting for your bitch ass to show up. After I paid the bill I stood up on a chair and yelled

and you didn't say anything. You talk a mad game online, but in real life you are nothing but a bitch nigger.
22 Name: VIPPER 2016-02-16 03:11
Maybe you didn't notice, but I already killed you before you could even sit down. Now if you don't shut up I will exorcize you and the yama will judge you for hell.
23 Name: VIPPER 2016-02-16 05:02
24 Name: VIPPER 2016-02-16 05:09
Do it faggot. Here I am. Make me stop.

Quick tip for bitch ass niggers: you can't

A bitch ass nigger running his mouth on the internet is just as worthless as a bitch as nigger in real life.

Like I get the threads theme and joke, but really.

How many people on here have murdered other people? Would any one else even be capable of it? I love shit like this because in real life I am shamed for being what I am. Here I can unironically flex my nuts and talk about what I have done, and all people can do is impotently accuse me of being edgy for stating facts.

43 confirmed in combat. Three in back alley fights.

None of you will ever be half the man I am. Not even you mittens. Except that one Indian dude that used to be part of VIPmas. He was pretty hard but I think he died of dick cancer or something.
25 Name: VIPPER 2016-02-16 06:05
Alright fucker that's it I'm getting my incense.
26 Name: VIPPER 2016-02-16 06:34
Good corpses start to stink quick, and let me tell you

You are dead, kiddo
27 Name: VIPPER 2016-02-16 09:52
Say that to my face, not online, and see what happens
28 Name: VIPPER 2016-02-16 19:01
My genitals are larger than yours.
29 Name: VIPPER 2016-02-16 21:07
Rematch in 15, breh
30 Name: VIPPER 2016-02-18 02:37
What a fart-blasting scrotum this guy is
31 Name: VIPPER 2016-07-19 15:53
>>1-30 are filthy mud-eating horses
32 Name: VIPPER 2016-07-19 17:49
>>31 is a clean horse but he's still eating mud! How unsightly!
33 Name: VIPPER 2016-09-29 20:12
Yo mama is so ugly, when Scorpion sees her he says "STAY OVER THERE!"
34 Name: VIPPER 2016-09-30 09:06
you have no idea idiot, i dip like fondue, im faster than a vcr in rewind. Id kill all of you effortlessly so its just playground scuffle to try and argue about SHIT, better save what time left you have that Im graciously giving you worshipping my fat fuckin muscles before I pop you like a zit.
35 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-11 01:10
Your still retarded.
36 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-14 20:51
Learn to spell you ignoramus.
37 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-15 00:02
Study punctuation, you magnanimous buffoon!
38 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-16 01:51
Work On Vocabulary, You Heinous Tool.
39 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-16 16:29
Come to capitalize correct, contentious cretin!
40 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-16 17:57
Learn to words more gooder, fuckytits!
41 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-16 19:15
Coloquinte à la graisse de hérisson!
42 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-26 20:23
You, sir, are yesterday's recycled flatus. You're truly the worst.
43 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-27 13:20
Flatus is an important part of our ecosystem's cycles, you ignoramus.
44 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-29 17:46
Listen here, petulant fistcreature. I am no mere ignoramus. I am King Flatus, and it is you who are the ignoramus around here!
45 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-29 21:37
You are a great stupid king, very like the King Ludwig II of Bavaria !
46 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-30 00:40
47 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-30 02:24
Don't Call Me Fuckytits, You Meme-Loving Son of a Whore!
48 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-30 12:29
How dare you insinuate such a thing! Memes are not very good!
49 Name: VIPPER 2016-10-30 13:51
Also, >>40's mother is no whore -- merely an amateur in need of the occasional buck.
50 Name: VIPPER 2016-11-06 13:44
Your hovercraft has never seen Star Wars and an English Bulldog is getting fat!
51 Name: VIPPER 2016-11-06 14:23
Well, fuck you, too, >>51!
52 Name: VIPPER 2016-11-06 21:39
>>51 That's right, go fuck yourself.
53 Name: VIPPER 2016-11-07 01:47
Stop being a big ugly bully, >>52! Let's all pile on him for being so horrible.
54 Name: VIPPER 2016-11-07 07:39
fuck you u fagot
55 Name: VIPPER 2016-11-16 06:32
Go to a bar and ask for a Brompton cocktail.
56 Name: VIPPER 2016-12-12 16:19
Quit being such a jaggedy-ass little twink!

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