
Death of SAoVQ

1 Name: VIPPER 2015-08-24 23:27
The domain points to nowhere and nobody seems interested on picking it up. I think it's about time we come to terms with its demise. Roll in the sexy mourners!
2 Name: VIPPER 2015-08-25 00:30
It's all over.
3 Name: VIPPER 2015-08-25 07:33
Hold tight. I think it will take at least one more week before anything can happen.
4 Name: ADMIN 2015-08-26 00:30
I was actually expecting the board to be up again by now. Would you guys be interested in a separate site for SAoVQ? That way I would stop bothering you with every little software change.

There are other people offering to start a new place in the 4-ch thread, so I don't know how redundant it would be.
5 Name: VIPPER 2015-08-26 02:33
I feel that the old domain name is necessary for getting the area going again. I don't think many VIPPERS will care too much about the software part of it (or at least that is my opinion).
6 Name: VIPPER 2015-08-26 09:38
A return of SAoVQ under the old domain name requires a full, or nigh-complete, archive of SAoVQ, all of the minor boards, and the link-sharing sub-site. Reboots should have their own names and domains. In any case, someone on a /prague/ had a full archive of dis.4chon, so I'm hoping that at least an outdated one exists for the area as well -- and we've just yet to discover it.

Anyway, VIPPERs are still out there, they'll rally to a new site in a week or two. Most of the auxiliary watering holes of VIP QUALITY are still around.
7 Name: VIPPER 2015-08-26 10:44
8 Name: ADMIN 2015-08-26 13:28
it would be great if someone managed to get an archive of the site, but I think it would have popped up by now. /prog/ by definition is/was filled with tech-savvy paranoids, whom had access to a read-only version of the site before it went down completely. I think the only way we could get our hands on the old threads again, is via smoochy-sama.

Anyway, here's all the files I could get from →/saovq/archive/
9 Name: VIPPER 2015-08-26 13:36
7zip plz
10 Name: VIPPER 2015-08-26 14:36
11 Name: VIPPER 2015-08-30 03:19
Wasn't saovq the auxiliary watering hole for 4-ch or something?
12 Name: VIPPER 2015-09-01 13:36
it is sad the site was not achives :(
13 Name: VIPPER 2015-09-03 16:00
Really though how does anyone know what smoochy says or not? I'm sure he does not have a confirmed twitter account or anything.

Is there an archive of the VIPLANTUS thread anywhere?

What's to be done with the current VIPTRONIC works?
14 Name: VIPPER 2015-10-05 08:42
RIP Daddy Cool

"We" have tried calling his family's landline, mailing postcards, and hurling emails at every address we could find. No results. SAOVQ is gone and Smoochy-sama has forgotten us T_T
15 Name: VIPPER 2015-10-05 11:47
What about contacting the hosting provider (bluehost, I think it was) for a copy of the textboards?
16 Name: VIPPER 2015-10-05 16:00
D-did anyone save the imageboard?
17 Name: VIPPER 2015-10-05 16:22
"We" tried that, yes. Sadly to no avail.

There's a new imageboard here:
It has a lot of the old threads.
18 Name: VIPPER 2015-10-05 17:50
19 Name: VIPPER 2015-10-05 19:53
Many thanks!
20 Name: VIPPER 2015-10-05 20:53
many welks
21 Name: >>20-san 2015-10-05 20:54
er, that was to >>19
22 Name: VIPPER 2015-10-05 20:59
Ah, what a shame. It was a long shot, anyway. It's good to know that "you (plural)" is administering the imageboard.
23 Name: VIPPER 2015-10-06 09:35
The archive in >>18-san's post contains a lot of content from the old imageboard!
24 Name: VIPPER 2015-11-29 01:07
>>18-san's share has been lost to the ether.
Can someone re-upload?
25 Name: someone 2015-11-29 15:28
26 Name: VIPPER 2015-11-30 11:43
thanks so much to whoever shared this. Amazing to see some old saovq stuff again.
27 Name: VIPPER 2015-11-30 11:43
It's been uploaded to by someone from bibanon
28 Name: VIPPER 2015-12-01 03:01
Every time I scroll past this thread I briefly think that it says "Death to SAoVQ".
29 Name: VIPPER 2016-04-21 01:58
Is RedCream dead?
30 Name: VIPPER 2016-04-21 05:01
God, I hope so.

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