
bully >>17

1 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-14 20:26
>>17 is a disgusting loli hating bastard
2 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-15 06:45
>>17 is so autistic he must always put the batteries in "the right way around"
3 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-15 16:52
>>17 is a wonderful person... on opposites day.
4 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-16 11:22
>>17's fat stupid face is so stupid and fat that it entirely obscures >>17's fat stupid arse.
5 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-16 12:23
>>17 is a big poopie-head and I don't like him! <;丶 ・`д・´>
6 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-16 12:37
>>17 tried to talk to me once, and it was like, soo awkward.
7 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-17 18:09
>>17 tried to ask me out to prom even though I'd rather die than be seen with someone like them.
8 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-17 18:24
>>17 is a hateful hedgehog.
9 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-17 21:41
>>17 attempted to marry a horse in Guam
10 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-24 07:38

              (    ) < >>17 won't get out of my ass!
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          \/      ) ∴)ヾ)
                  /  / ⌒ヽ
                  /  /| |   |←>>17
                  / / .∪ / ノ
                 / / . | ||
                ( ´|   ∪∪
                 | |   | |
                 | |   | |
                 | |   | |
                 | |   | |
               (´ ノ  (´ ノ

11 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-25 03:04
>>17 fucking sucks, he sucking fucks, he's a piece of shit, and I don't like him.
12 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-25 15:30
>>17 spoke but didn't acknowledge my quintuples.
13 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-26 18:09
>>17 is a pittiful DQN
14 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-27 16:46
>>17 needs to speak English or die.
15 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-27 17:41
>>17 posts in the bump thread to report on his most recent shit.
16 Name: Anti-Bully Ranger 2017-02-27 18:21

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      l /  .{  } i l`ヽV///`Y^i⌒i⌒Y´    │
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     |  x-─y>r─ '´. |>┬!> --- イ      │
Don't bully!!

17 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-27 20:24

  アホォ               ||        モウクンナ
         ヴォケ      ∧||∧←>>17        イッテヨシ !
  ∧_∧   ∧_∧      (/ ⌒ヽ      ∧_∧   ∧_∧
 ( ´∀`)  ( ´∀`)      | |   |     (´∀` )  (´∀` )
 (    )  (    )      ∪ / ノ     (    )  (    )
 | | |   | | |       | ||      | | |   | | |
 (__)_)  (__)_)     ∪∪      (_(__)  (_(__)

18 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-28 21:57
>>17 was almost as bad as >>43.
19 Name: VIPPER 2017-02-28 22:58
>>17's ghost raped my imouto twice.

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