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[Anime] Let's chat about anime! [Cartoons]

296 Name: VIPPER 2017-03-28 21:17
finished masamune-kun no revenge...the premise is that the MC was rejected by this girl when they were kids, and he reacts by spending years getting buff, with the plan to make her fall for him so he can take his revenge by rejecting her in like, there's definitely potential there, whether it be for the lulz when he fails epically, or maybe he falls for her and realizes just how terrible of a person he doesn't have to be anymore, or maybe he falls for one of the other cast members and realizes just how terrible of a person he doesn't have to be anymore, or maybe he gets his revenge successfully and then très regerts hits him and he realizes just how terrible of a person he doesn't have to be anymore, or maybe he gets caught in some mixup where he's mistaken for a mobster-for-hire and has to pretend like he's not trying to escape while he's given a pivotal role in an elaborate art heist, and then the world is abruptly demolished to make room for a hyperspace bypass, but he escapes by hitching a ride in a winnebago and eventually prevents a planet from having its air stolen, learning along the way just how terrible of a person he doesn't have to be anymore—

...but no, I'll spoil it for you: none of the above happens, there's no ending, there's no resolution, and by the end it's quite clear there never will be. this series could've been 6 episodes long with a proper plot/ending and been fantastic, or 12 episodes long and still been great, but they just fumbled around for a while and ultimately opted for the "eh, let's just do what everyone else does and string em along forever" route, which falls on its face because if I want to watch an eternal harem comedy there are way too many already in existence that do it better and don't waste such an obvious opportunity for legitimate plot/character development

overall a meh/10, would instead recommend just about anything else unless you're satisfied with nice art and music, but why not watch something with nice art and music and good writing?

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