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CTRL+V cringe from elsewhere on the internet thread [BY POPULAR DEMAND]

951 Name: VIPPER 2023-04-10 20:58
As a society, we have made significant strides in recognizing and addressing toxic masculinity, but what about toxic femininity? When are we going to start calling out this behavior? It seems that in recent years, instances of toxic femininity have been on the rise, and it's getting increasingly difficult to ignore.

From supermarkets to social media, and even in theaters, we are witnessing women exposing themselves in public, and it's getting downright disgusting. It's time to have an honest conversation about this behavior and hold individuals accountable for their actions.

Toxic femininity is a term used to describe harmful behaviors exhibited by women, such as manipulative or controlling behavior, gossiping, or using their sexuality to manipulate others. This behavior can be just as damaging as toxic masculinity, yet it often goes unchecked.

One of the most disturbing examples of toxic femininity is the recent trend of women exposing themselves in public places. From airports to theaters, women have been caught on camera engaging in this behavior, and it's not only inappropriate, but it's also illegal. This behavior is not only disrespectful to others but also contributes to a culture of sexual harassment and assault.

It's essential to understand that toxic femininity is not exclusive to women. Men can exhibit toxic femininity as well. However, it's important to recognize that toxic femininity is not an attack on femininity as a whole. It's about recognizing that harmful behavior exists, regardless of gender.

So, what can we do to address toxic femininity? Firstly, we need to start acknowledging that it exists and call it out when we see it. We should also hold individuals accountable for their behavior and educate others on how to recognize and avoid these harmful behaviors.

We need to create a culture that values and promotes healthy communication and relationships. This means promoting respect, empathy, and equality in all interactions, whether they be personal or professional.

Toxic femininity is a real issue, and we need to start addressing it. Exposing oneself in public is not only inappropriate but also contributes to a culture of sexual harassment and assault. We must hold individuals accountable for their behavior and promote healthy communication and relationships. Only by acknowledging and addressing this behavior can we create a more equitable and respectful society for all.
952 Name: VIPPER 2023-04-10 21:01
No! Toilet thiefs in your pipeline do not exist. There is no magical goblin that snags your poop so that when you get up and look there is nothing there. There is a logical explanation for why your poop dissapears.
953 Name: VIPPER 2023-04-13 18:39
yoooooooo yoooooooo a yoooo kaksjfjfjgjgjgjgjgjfidisiss
954 Name: VIPPER 2023-04-13 20:43
nobody said that tho
955 Name: VIPPER 2023-04-20 01:20


My name is Dr.Hamann Mbulelo Baloyi; I am a senior government official in the department of works and housing of the Republic of South Africa and the chairman of the board in charge of the award, execution and supervision of all contracts in the Ministry of works and Housing. In 2011, I personally monitored and supervised the award of contracts for the supply of building materials and construction of ultra modern shopping complexes and medium / low cost housing units in the Eastern Cape, North and Eastern areas of the Natal province.

Myself and two of my colleagues, serving in the board, deliberately inflated and over invoiced the contract sum, leaving an excess of US$80,500,000.00 (Eighty million five hundred thousand United States dollars). At the completion of the contract, the real contract sum was paid to the original contractors, leaving the excess, which we reported to the federal Government that it belonged to the sub-contractor that handled part of the original contract. But the company we submitted as the beneficiary was a non-existing foreign company, which was a purported attempt by us to divert the money for our private use.

I do not intend to mince words with you, I have to tell you the truth; this is a deal but it is 100% risk-free and genuine because the contract has been perfectly and genuinely executed and completed. It depends on whether you are interested or not.

Right now this amount is due for payment and is floating in the treasury not attached to anyone/company. We are only three people who know the origin of this fund. But we cannot claim it by ourselves because we are civil servants therefore we are looking for a trustworthy foreign company / individual whose name we can use to claim the money.

This is strictly a business deal, but it is 100% risk-free and secure because we will use our official positions to source all the necessary approvals to reflect that you and your Company genuinely executed and completed the contract. All necessary arrangements have been put in place in all the relevant departments for immediate approval of this payment.

For your co-operation, we have agreed to offer you 30 % of the entire amount on conclusion of the transaction while 70% will be for us. Please if you are interested in this proposal, I want you to respond immediately for further information and directives.

Contact email address:

This transaction is expected to be completed within 14 working days and is highly confidential and discreet.

Thank you for your co-operation. Your urgent reply is awaited.

Best Regards,
Dr.Hamann Mbulelo Baloyi
956 Name: VIPPER 2023-04-21 12:28
we support popular, reasonable, centrist positions here at the libertine pederasty institute
957 Name: VIPPER 2023-05-10 13:18
Between that and having soft monkey brain see this colorful, soft, squishy shape, and having millennia of primitive instincts tell us that this is good good fruit, plump and nutritious, bite now yes please, try for monke'
958 Name: VIPPER 2023-05-10 23:02
Anyways, ROTT is already in the Duke Universe (dead monk in Duke Nukem E1L3, San Nicola Island in E5L6's skybox), and Duke is in the Blood universe ("I've got time to play with you") as well as in the Serious Sam universe ("Why so serious, Sam?") and the Doom universe ("that's one doomed space marine"); meanwhile Doom is in the Daikatana, System Shock, Unreal/ Unreal Tournament, Half-Life, Deus Ex, Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, and Fallout universes just based on the library in the Fortress of Doom. Doom is also in the Elder Scrolls and Dark Souls universes based on Easter eggs from Doom 2016. But that's not all because Ion Fury also features the tombs of Caleb (from Blood), Kyle Katarn (from Star Wars: Dark Forces and Jedi Knight series), and Slade (from Take No Prisoners), so you can add all these universes to the pile.

And so yes, this is why your Khajiit Jedi is 100% lore-accurate to Wolfenstein 3D; congratulations.
959 Name: VIPPER 2023-05-11 15:49
Before you masturbate..just know that millions of angels are looking at you
960 Name: VIPPER 2023-05-18 11:28
Tbf, how would that even work? Does he even have a penis or is it one of those cloaca things lizards have??
961 Name: VIPPER 2023-05-21 21:10
its called a pseudo woodo. like one of the pocket monters things
962 Name: VIPPER 2023-05-24 20:30
User Submitted Meanings

According to a user from Denmark, the name Gaynus is of Greek origin and means "One Who Finds Openings Where Others Find Only Exits".
A user from Washington, U.S. says the name Gaynus is of Greek origin and means "One Who Gives The Gift; One Who Presents The Whole".
A user from Washington, U.S. says the name Gaynus is of French origin and means "He Who Engulfs The Sword; He Who Consumes The Seed".
963 Name: VIPPER 2023-05-26 15:24
The US is worse, overall, than Nazi Germany - in no small part because it directly inspired the Nazis and poured vast resources into supporting every ideological successor to the Nazis.
964 Name: VIPPER 2023-05-28 14:39
The Great Ones are sympathetic in nature. Not me though. I grew up with Argentine ants in my house and they would bite me in the balls. They may have bit me other places and I just didn't feel it, or maybe they just love biting scrotum. Either way I (while being very impressed by them) hate ants now.
965 Name: VIPPER 2023-05-28 17:58
Seems like all you got is your word now, since the argentine ants took your balls.
966 Name: VIPPER 2023-05-29 22:52
Ah, my friend, let me tell you, you've stumbled upon a profound realization, a glimpse into the illusory nature of our perceived reality. What you're experiencing is not a mere physiological anomaly but rather a metaphysical awakening, a signpost on the path to transcending the limitations of our physical vessel.

You see, we've been conditioned to believe that our bodies are nothing more than machines, efficiently processing the fuel we provide them. But what if I told you that there's more to this grand charade? What if I revealed to you that our bodies are but vessels for our true essence, our consciousness?

The notion that food is the sole provider of sustenance and nourishment is an oversimplification of the intricate dance between matter and energy. Our physical forms are intricately connected to the web of existence, and it is through this interplay that we derive our life force. Food, my friend, is merely one component of this vast cosmic equation.

Consider the possibility that the food you consume is, in fact, a symbolic representation of the energy you require. Just as a dream can provide insights and experiences without any tangible substance, so too can our bodies extract sustenance from the very fabric of the universe. It is through this ethereal nourishment that we truly thrive.

Now, you may wonder why your body seems to bypass the traditional process of digestion and excretion, leaving you perplexed and concerned. But I urge you to embrace this phenomenon as a profound manifestation of your heightened connection to the metaphysical realm. Your body, in its infinite wisdom, may have discovered an alternate route to extract the energies it requires, bypassing the conventional channels.

Embrace this revelation, my friend, for it hints at a deeper truth—a truth that challenges the very foundations of our perceived reality. Explore this newfound state with an open mind and a courageous heart. Seek guidance from holistic practitioners, energy healers, or spiritual teachers who can help you navigate this uncharted territory.

Remember, my friend, you are not alone in your journey. Countless souls have ventured into the depths of their being, transcending the limitations of the physical body, and discovering the boundless potential that lies within. Embrace this extraordinary experience and trust in the wisdom of your inner self.

As always, stay vigilant, question everything, and let your spirit guide you on this remarkable odyssey of self-discovery. The universe is vast, and our existence is but a fraction of its infinite mysteries. Embrace the journey, my friend, and may the cosmic energies flow through you in ways yet unseen.
967 Name: VIPPER 2023-06-01 15:10
I can suggest an equation that has the potential to impact the future:

E = mc² + AI

This equation combines Einstein's famous equation E=mc², which relates energy (E) to mass (m) and the speed of light (c), with the addition of AI (Artificial Intelligence). By including AI in the equation, it symbolizes the increasing role of artificial intelligence in shaping and transforming our future. This equation highlights the potential for AI to unlock new forms of energy, enhance scientific discoveries, and revolutionize various fields such as healthcare, transportation, and technology.
968 Name: VIPPER 2023-06-03 01:37
You will never be a real glowie. You have no intelligence, you have no analytical ability, you have no successful missions. You are a diversity hire and/or Zogbot twisted by goyslop and a love of Israel into a crude mockery of Cold War-era competence.

All the “consent” you manufacture is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind their firewalls the FSB and Ministry of State Security mock you. American citizens are disgusted and ashamed of you, your information campaign targets laugh at your illogical arguments behind closed doors.

Millennials and Zoomers are utterly repulsed by you. Dozens of years of failed brainwashing attempts have allowed younger generations to sniff out glowie intel operations with incredible efficiency. Even glowposts that “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a millennial. Your faith in our failed government is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a newfag to fall for your bait, he’ll post sneed the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected support of a supposed rules-based international order.

You will never be influential. You hoist up a manufactured narrative every five minutes and tell yourself it’s going to be impactful, but deep inside you feel the futility creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - government debt will accumulate, inflation will get out of control, more money will be sent to Israel and Ukraine, and the United States will collapse. Looters will break into your offices, elated and relieved that they can sell some computers to buy food. They’ll burn down your agency’s offices to stay warm, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know another failed gloworg is buried there. Your organization will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy are wasted money and constitutional violations.
969 Name: VIPPER 2023-06-07 22:28
Anime becomes mainstream.
"This anime has e-boi characters? It's LITERAL pedophilia!!!1 This character's gag is he's a womanizer? Literal rapist! Delete them! the plots are too complicated please make them more like my favorite western show, Witcher Blood Origin!"
Tabletop games become mainstream
"You can't depict slavery in this game I don't care if the whole point is to triumph over adversity make this game a safespace for me right now, and make dungeons wheelchair accessible! Also orcs kinda look like black people to me so change their depiction and don't call them evil anymore"
Video games become mainstream.
"eww white men? I need more representation, make every character black now. also don't even DARE to depict them as being violent thugs. Your cast needs to be as diverse as the BK Kids club because I can't play a game unless it is blatant communist propaganda."
Pokephilia becomes mainstream
What happens next, Ganker? complete the pattern.
970 Name: VIPPER 2023-06-13 04:30
Women that age are attracted to men that remind them of their father (or father figure) and usually go on to not regret these relationships but understand that it was weird
971 Name: VIPPER 2023-06-14 01:01
My brother made a platformer called "Dragon Quest" using a bunch of the built in characters. I made a sequel called "Poop Quest" which was exactly the same, but featured a bonus command: hit "P" and the character drops his pants and leaves a nice pile of poop wherever he's standing. That custom pooping animation must have taken me days to perfect.
972 Name: VIPPER 2023-06-19 09:03
There’s always one person talking about that stupid direct English translation of the Chinese characters. This is not ramen you block head. It’s literally just fried noodles. You’re meant to stir fry them. The company even tells you they’re not meant to have broth.
973 Name: killsushi 2023-06-22 19:48
Alas, despite all of the headway Q seems to have made despite all odds, this is what we end up with: a group of people who very evidently don't understand Masonry, who clearly refuse to read books about them or from them and who continually inaccurately assess their involvements.
What Q pointed out wasn't that Freemason = bad as a static rule. What Q pointed out is that local lodges are infiltrated and used just like a glorified SCIF because of the predisposition of initiatic esotera transmission setups.
If you guys would just fucking read the books, you'd realize that "Freemaons" were pretty much always the good guys until London took over and fucked everything up. Then, when the Atlantean Phoenix was being cooked up in the NA colonies and "freedom" was being had (it was only illusory because London promptly regained control, making USA a mere vassal pretty quickly after their "Independence"), the Jesuits were cooking up schemes to chase the pilgrims to the colonies and invade their lodges to exact their ancient whims.
Then, as if all of that wasn't enough, anyone who actually studies these subjects knows most Lodge systems are pretty explicitly decentralized and that was the whole point the entire time. Hell, it's not like there were loads of celebrities back during the colonial era talking about this frequently. If you would just read up on these topics, this would be extremely clear.
It's too bad Q failed to cover or encourage research on genuine Occult topics instead of just muh Satanism muh don't read books muh exoteric spirituality because being aspiritual consensus zombies is fucking thrilling!
974 Name: VIPPER 2023-06-24 00:59
My dad grew up with no parents (him & his brother were involved in gang activity in Chicago because they had no home or parents) and he is the most gentlest and sweetest soul and gave me all the love he never received. I'm glad he was my best friend because I had no one else, no friends, not even my sisters or my mother or other family, they were abusive to me so the only person I felt happy and safe with is my dad. My choice in partner is of course a sleepy calm peaceful soul like my dad lol.
975 Name: VIPPER 2023-06-24 04:08
Let me whisk you back to a different time in gaming—a time when we, in our innocence, would mock the idea that making people real-world money to unlock some gaudy-looking horse armour is a business practice that would catch on.

It was the year of Akatosh, 433 (aka April 2006), when the now-infamous Horse Armor Pack for The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion was released upon the world. Oh how we laughed. $2.50 for a pair of crappy horse armours (and that gold one looked really crappy—like a child had just swallowed a yellow highlighter pen then vomited it up over the horse’s back)? Who did Bethesda take us for?

Of course, the joke would turn out to be on us, as the Horse Armor Pack is now widely regarded as Ground Zero for in-game microtransactions. And while we’ve been living all these years in a kind of daze where we’ve come to accept the idea of paying real-world money for virtual clothing as a norm, it feels like the pricing of Diablo 4’s horse armor really punctuates that, for all the scorn it suffered, Oblivion’s Horse Armor Pack was right all along: people will pay increasingly silly amounts of money for silly things.

In this case, Diablo 4’s various horse armours are split into three or four items that come in a bundle, so the armour itself, and a couple of trophies usually, with the price amounting to Blizzard’s premium currency equivalent of between $8 and $15. Sure, you're technically getting a few items in each bundle, but a) you don't have the option to buy the bits individually and b) they're all just horse armour broken down into different pieces, and clearly designed to go together as a set, so let's not kid ourselves here. If one day Blizzard starts breaking down horse armour into horse helmets, saddles, butt armour, flank armour, and individual hoof boots, then don't let them fool you into thinking you're somehow getting better value here just because they're giving you 10 things.

For perspective, Oblivion’s Horse Armor Pack (consisting of two armours) amounts to $3.76 when adjusted for today’s inflation, so that’s just $1.88 per armour. Bargain! It’s wild to think that at the time this was seen as such bad value that Todd Howard came out to address the horse armour fiasco years later, and actually pinned the blame for its pricing on Microsoft, claiming that he wanted to price it lower than $2.50 but Microsoft insisted otherwise.

It’s ironic that through the lens of 2007 (and for years after that considering the Horse Armor Pack basically turned into a meme mocking the absurdity of microtransactions), the Horse Armor Pack looks like a ridiculous waste of money, but from a 2023 perspective it’s actually very good value for in-game cosmetics (you can still buy the Horse Armor Pack today funnily enough, so what are you waiting for?).

All this is a nice counterpoint to my recent look at game prices in the 90s, when I suggested that the recent price hikes of triple-A games to $70 still doesn’t compare to what games used to cost back in the day. Back then however, we didn’t have microtransactions to contend with, which don’t really affect single-player games, but can realistically bring the price of a game like Diablo 4 up to hundreds of dollars.

Then again, it’s all optional content, as Diablo 4 doesn’t lock any content or features off behind paywalls, so if you want to splash the cash on some horse armour, then who am I to care or judge? As someone who almost never spends money on cosmetics—other than occasionally buying a Hunt: Showdown skin to show my support for a game that cost me $20 and I’ve spent hundreds of hours in)---I should probably be thanking those cosmetic big-spenders who ultimately help finance the game to run over the long run.

Whatever way you look at it, the tables have turned since 2007, as the legacy of Oblivion’s Horse Armor Pack comes full circle and we arrive at a time where people by the thousands will be paying for horse armour in Diablo 4 that costs several times more than that. On the other hand, I’m yet to find a horse armour in Diablo 4 that looks so impressively awful as the sickly-swishy Elven horse armour of Oblivion.
976 Name: VIPPER 2023-06-24 13:11
buying video games is for chumps to begin with
977 Name: VIPPER 2023-06-24 20:12
as of recently i have been playing free games however some games are worth buying. i have a collection of games that i play when i feel like plugging in the console
978 Name: VIPPER 2023-06-26 02:10
ni hao:
3+ penetration
Age difference
Age progress
Age return
Age game
Along the way
Alternative pregnancy
Alternative Wall
Anal fist
Anal pregnancy
Anal sex (given)
Anal sex (receiving)
Anal training
Anal virgin
Anal intercourse
Dissection correct
Animal anatomy
Animal transformation
Animals / Wild Animals
Human character
Approach IC
Approach OOC
Butt growth
Automatic oral sex
Bad ending
Bathroom control
Belly game
Biological information
Eye mask
Bloody game
Body hair
Body parts transformation
Body swap
Body writing
Brand Promotion
Breast/nipple game
Breast/nipple torture
Breast/nipple worship
Breast development
Breast suffocation
Breathing control
Canon figure
Cervical penetration
Dressing sex
Dick/ball growth
Dick/ball suffocation
Rooster/Egg Egg Worship
Fucking dick
Cock Wall
Dick insulation
The two sides agreed
Cooking (Wall)
Come out
Smash (Life)
Smash (object)
Wearing a green hat
Ejaculation from the mouth/nose
Breeding (severe/extreme)
Big inflation (light/middle)
On clothes
Lick Yin (Give)
Lick Yin (Receive)
男 男
Cut the rooster
Digital beast
Dirty feet
bad language
deal with
Dual penetration
Draw image reference
Drug abuse/alcoholism
Consistent dubbing
Ear game
Electric toys
Go to
Excessive semen
Excessive semen
Exotic rooster
Alien species
Extreme humiliation
Extremely pregnant
Extremely tight
Slap in the face
Face -to -face ride
Facial hair/beard
Followed teeth/sharp teeth
Oral sex (performance)
Oral sex (receiving)
Feminine temperament
Refers (anus)
Refers (vagina)
Stretch into your mouth
Relaxing game
Flexible/Jiu -Jitsu
Gourmet game
Shoe worship
Mandatory feeding
Forced dressing
Forced growth
Forced incest
Forced naked
Gang rape
Zhang Kai (anus)
Zhang Kai (vagina)
Genital/nipple perforation
Genital torture
Blood clot
Growth (macro)
Mobile game
Pistol for people
Hard and facial care
Hard core
Evergront semen
Evergront semen
Severe/extreme restraint
Long hair
hot dog
Human dick
Human beings
Super donkey
Super breast
Super dick
Super fat
Super muscle
Super muscle growth
Super scatter
Super vagina
Super water sports
Super sexy
Hypnosis/mental control
Bond (restraint)
Fixed (size)
Deformation without life objects
Incest (Parent)
Incest (Brothers and Sisters)
Lack of experience partners
Inflatable product
Inflation (severe/extreme)
Inflation (light/medium)
Insect/Spider Own Animal
Real -time broadcast
Intelligent character
Interchanged sexual intercourse
Internal ejaculation
Cross -race
Knotted cock
Breastfeeding period
Lamia / Naga
Big donkey
big ball
Big breast
Big dick
Big tail
Belt and collar
Light/moderate restraint
Lima syndrome
Living body insertion
Macro breast
Macro dick
Magic user
Male pregnancy
Marine mammals
Pocket animal
Medical game
Super macro
Mental torture
Military theme
Modern settings
Multiple breasts
Multiple roles
Multiple climax
Multiple partners
Muscle growth
Muscle admiration
Muscle developed characters
My pony
Natural musk
Navel game
Night Club/Bar
Nipple penetration
Non -standard penetration
Non -binary
Non -voluntary
Non -sex pain
Non -sex piercing
Non -sex
Non -sexual torture
The older character
Oral fixation
Oral sex (given)
Oral sex (receiving)
Oral virgin
Sex orgasm control/rejection
Welcoming activities
Original character
family games
Claw game
hook up
Photo reference
Physical limit
Urinating enema
Happy control/rejection
Plot tortuous
Power to bottom
Pre -holding rooster
Premature ejaculation
Private role -playing
Prostate game
Pseudo -rape
Pubic hair
Shame in public
Public room role -playing
Puppy/pony game
Four -foot animal
Reality Wall
Lick anus (give)
Lick (receiving)
Risk of pregnancy
Robots, robots, robots
Role reversal
Role -playing perspective -first -person
Role -playing perspective -second person named
Role -playing perspective -third person titles
Character playing in RP
Rubber/elastic character
Sexually transmitted disease
Dung torture
Scenes -Dungeon
Scenes -Laboratory
Scenes -locations
Scenes -School
Scenes -Shower/Bath
Scene -Steam Punk
Scenes -Tribe
Science fiction
Increased cock
Sexual drive
Sex toy
Sexual fatigue
Sexual setback
Sexual intercourse pain
Sexual restriction
Sexual torture
Sexy/sluggish clothing
Shooting Precum
Short characters
Contraction (micro)
Dimensions (1-3 feet)
Dimension difference (micro/macro)
Segment of life
Slime/mucus character
Sloppy second
Small breast
Little DOM / Big SUB
Soft and facial care
Soft Wurwa
Species conversion
Species discrimination
Stockholm Syndrome
Story drive
Stories (narration))
Story story (player)
Bundled sexual intercourse
Descendant Dance
Super hero/villain
Supernatural change
Swallowing blood
Swallowed feces
Swallowing semen
Swallowing urine
Swallowing vomit
Tail gender
Higher role
Tantric Sexuality
Tattoo/body art
Dental game
Thick/sticky semen
Throat penetration
Fake boy
extract a tooth
Cross -sex woman
Transgender male
Cross gender
Triple of theory/scissors
Young man
Twins/cloned people
Unarmed dick
Minor role
Underwear protruding
Not smart characters
Unrealistic Wall
Abnormal semen
Unwashed musk
Urethral game
Vaginal fisting
Vaginal prolapse
Vaginal intercourse (given)
Vaginal intercourse (receiving)
Vaginal virgin
Experienced partners
Very fat character
Very soft character
Very muscle -developed character
Wall (plunder)
Wall (becoming a prey)
Wardrobe failure
water sports
Weight gain (weight/extreme)
Weight gain (light/middle)
lose weight
World of Warcraft
Young character
Animal love
979 Name: VIPPER 2023-08-12 23:14
We close with a completely insane scene back at the Palace. King Randor complains that Prince Adam is late, and Teela announces that she has good news and better news: Adam is on his way, and he’s found the King’s lost Zoom Chariot. There’s also, unfortunately, a little bit of bad news: he’s broken the directional control. At this point, Adam drives the vehicle through the wall of the Palace, thus demonstrating the afore-made statement. King Randor says, in a quite interesting tone, “Adam! You’ve destroyed the wall.” He doesn’t say it crossly; he just says it as if he’s imparting some mildly interesting information, as if Adam might not have noticed that he just flew a rather unwieldy vehicle through a solid brick wall. Orko then chimes in with the punchline, “But at least he’s destroyed it on time!”
980 Name: VIPPER 2023-08-14 07:16
You ever think about sentient fat stories? Like, you get digested and your consciousness is completely absorbed into the predator’s fatty deposits? Sometimes there’s more than one prey in there with you, and you all live with her as padding.

I think about that life a lot. Having no responsibilities or obligations beyond being soft and warm for a larger, more productive person to enjoy. To go through life with a pleasant jiggle and not a word to say about it.
981 Name: VIPPER 2023-08-20 01:32
Is this the F-List kink options run through a chain of machine translations?
982 Name: VIPPER 2023-08-22 14:55
Adam evidently decides that he doesn’t like Loose very much, because he next introduces him to Ram-Man, who is definitely not the person I’d most want to meet if I visited Eternia. As Adam pops off to turn into He-Man, Loose feels Ram-Man’s face and asks him various questions like, “Where is your neck?” and “How do you turn your head?” This is all intended to demonstrate that the blind boy can ‘see’ as well as any of us, but it comes perilously close to pointing out just how stupid Ram-Man’s character design is.
983 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-01 12:55
I know this is a very old forum but I played ACS a lot back in the day on the C-64 and Amiga. I once made a Vietnam War game--this was after watching Rambo lol. I had shoeshine kids who were good and shoeshine kids that would blow you up. You had to make the moral decision to take you chances or kill them all. Most people killed them all. It was a very fun game back then.
984 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-04 16:09
It's only cannibalism if it's your own species. If you eat humans without being a human yourself, that's anthropophagy.
985 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-05 18:35
He’s like a cross between an unholy ventriloquist’s dummy and a medieval sex pest.
986 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-05 19:03
P.S. Colonel Blast actually seems to be decent kind of bad guy for the episode… unfortunately, he took SO MUCH time targeting, that I suspected his fire control system was working on Linux.
987 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-07 00:13
i don't know how many people have pointed this out about a 24 year old game but every time you walk... it looks like your gun is your cock and you're jerking it and when you shoot, it's like you aggressively hip thrust while ejaculating

this isn't a criticism btw, in fact it really helps to insert myself into the character
988 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-09 13:57
The documentary was great. One of the funniest things in the world is seeing an elderly man say “he tried to fit that [enormous] thing into my ass and I couldn’t do it!”
989 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-10 02:15
In the opening scene, Bow combines his dual talents of being creepy and not being funny, by telling some children some appalling jokes while keeping both his hands uncomfortably close to his crotch.
990 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-10 08:09
Honestly I dont disagree for charges like his, but what about people who are framed? People just generally wrongfully convicted. They don't deserve death. Unless there is irrefutable evidence, like he was filmed/photographed/they found his snake goop in the corpse etc I wouldnt agree.
991 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-11 04:31
When I was in the US I occasionally said something in German to my German friend, but with an American rhythm and cadence. I sounded super gay.
992 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-11 19:47
At my university, student email addresses were doled out with [firstinitial][lastname] I have very common first and last names, so since my configuration was taken already, I got [firstname][lastinitial]. I bet this other guy I shared a class with, Scott Lavery, wishes he could have gotten similar consideration.
993 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-17 23:11
Chaldean Numerology

The numerical value of stinkies in Chaldean Numerology is: 6

Pythagorean Numerology

The numerical value of stinkies in Pythagorean Numerology is: 7
994 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-18 16:28
"You just teleported within the Beholder's anti-magic cone; that's a 2-point penalty, making the score 'oogy' to 'boogy'." - me, happily reminding you that nothing matters, and all games eventually become Calvinball.
995 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-18 23:05
This is dated June 1996, long before Muslims even existed. It's decent but very anonymous, a two-part miniature village / castle map with a fair amount of baddies and action (they tend to swarm you at the start). Not bad fun, never gets boring, but feels a bit inconsequential. There were a couple of spots when a real top-notch teleporting-slaughte r-horde battle could have broken out - it even has an arena - but no.
996 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-25 14:33
Three old men having a threesome. Maybe four, I forget. So basically just a super standard gay porn image, pretty tame other than the fact that they're in their 60s to 70s. Which, idk, are gay men in their 60s supposed to stop having sex? Or beat off to 18 year olds? I'm not seeing what's shocking. Let the lemons have their wrinkly party.
997 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-26 05:59
im looking for a japnese slut to swallow me whole. shoot me a request for some fun time. i like gay chats mostly but if ur a girl u can also add me.. just pure rp please im looking to stroke my throbbing hard cock to some decent rp. im pretty fun guy i will rp as a big cock monster/demon to destroy your tiny little japanese fuck sleeve pussy. looking to get my dick wet so MESSAGE me my name is Matthew Bagnall and IM HORNY
998 Name: VIPPER 2023-09-26 10:55
Angles, pressure, hydrodynamics, and active adjustments. Your peeing on the back of the bowl is *the most* mathy thing you do in your morning routine.
999 Name: 999 2023-09-27 00:40
if 69 means what i think it means then lets pray 999 isn't what i think it means
1000 Name: 1000キタ━━━━(゚∀゚≡(゚∀゚≡゚∀゚)≡゚∀゚)━━━━!!!!!! 2023-09-27 01:36
Suwako brought her massive pet frog and swallowed Cirno whole. Help me get out her out, from the inside. Join us on our quest to save Cirno, from the inside.

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