
[CUM//URGENT] [VIP] [HVT] philosophical JEWS questions [ANTI-DQN]

1 Name: VIPPER 2021-04-16 15:03
Are JEWS evolved DQN flees or the shadow leaders of ameriKKKa?
I was in the VIP MAMA mall looking for a PRISTINE VIP STAR OF DAVID CAKE and an 8 sided CUM STAR in the occult tanasinn store when a mafia of JEWS assembled out of levitating dust. They then proceeded to POOP BLOOD on all the CUM STARS and then PEE BLOOD on majo tsukune, I was then forced out by a SPACE LAZOR FLOOD from the 11G CHESSTICALS CELL TOWER they made using PRISTINE VIP STAR OF DAVID CAKE icing sending me back to Qorea.
This is an INJUSTICE I will now go play starcraft with kimchee and GOLDEN VIPPER.

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